Why Do You Need Size Reduction Line?

 By executing a complete shredder/granulator system that conveys the plastic waste from a conveyor to a shredder to a metal separator to the granulator and to a cyclone collection, a simple Size Reduction Line can ease lots of work when crushing materials.

Shredder Applications

Wiscon plastic Size Reduction system can be used for plastic such as:

Poly Ethylene (PE)

Polyamide (PA)

Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)

Polycarbonate (PC)

Thermoplastic polyesters (PET/PBT)

Polyacetals (POM)

HDPE (High-Density Poly Ethylene)

LDPE LLDPE  (Low-Density Poly Ethylene, Linear low-density polyethylene)

PVC (Polyvinyl chloride)

EVA (Ethylene-vinyl acetate)


Shredder Machine

A shredding machine processes metal contaminates and foreign objects more efficient than a granulator and costs less to repair. End-user can usually replace the single knife that is damaged for a small cost and much quicker than replacing the entire set of blades or rotors of a Wiscon granulator.  And, you can usually operate the shredder for a longer period of time with a single damaged knife.

[caption id="attachment_215" align="alignnone" width="300"]Size Reduction Line Size Reduction Line[/caption]

By shredding the waste or recyclable materials, firstly one can detach the metal from large parts of the plastic making it easier to be separated. The smaller pieces from the shredder that feed into the granulator create less wear on the granulator components. In between, there is a metal detector or cross belt magnetic separator that removes the medium size of metals.

Crusher Machine

If you put metal-contaminated recyclables directly into your granulator, you can easily destroy granulator blades and crushing chamber. You then need to replace the entire set of blades or have them be sharpened or replacing inner wearing plates.  A large enough piece of metal can cause damage to the rotor or shaft which will be costly in both time and money. A new rotor is expensive and it takes time for even the best repair shops to repair.

Size Reduction System

A Size Reduction system is an expansive upfront and more involved to set up but if continual output, ease of use and versatile application are your main concerns, you shall talk with us. At Wiscon, we provide a full line of granulators, grinders, and shredders feature various models.

Here is a size reduction line/plastic recycling line of a working plastic recycling line.

In the long term, Wiscon makes your return worthwhile and makes profits quick.


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