What is ocean plastic pollution?


Where does the plastic pollution in the ocean come from?

What is ocean plastic pollution? Marine pollution is a combination of solid waste and chemicals that originate from the land. With the help of rainwater and wind, the pollutant is driven into the ocean.

3% of the worldwide plastic waste goes to the ocean according to the study. As more than 80% of the global plastic waste is not recycled, it is not surprising that abundant waste is accumulating in the ocean. In 2010, this was about 8 million tonnes.

Before we dive into the question of where does ocean plastic waste comes from, we need to know about mismanaged plastics in the globe. The definition of mismanaged plastics is plastic waste that does not properly collect and recycle, instead, it ends up in landfills and scrap yard and directly pours into the river, lake and ocean.

The graph shows more than half of the mismanaged stems from East Asia and the Pacific. The rest of the regions account for 40%. North America scores the lowest at 0.9%, whereas Europe and Central Asian score 3.6%.

What is ocean plastic pollution?

Geography and Regulations

Why is that? Geography and regulations play a big role in this matter. Firstly, rivers convey a significant source of plastic to the ocean. The top 20 polluting rivers take up more than 67% of the global annual river input. Secondly, we can see the trend that developed countries generate less mismanaged plastic. It infers that strict regulations and awareness of proper recycling reduce the amount of mismanaged plastic waste.

Wiscon Envirotech’s recycling machines range from industrial shredders to complete recycling systems. We are on the way to designing and providing turn-key solutions to marine pollution and large solid waste recycling projects in China and North America. To turn waste into wealth is not only our goal but also the current long-term plan. Wiscon’s highly cost-effective and advanced recycling technologies assist our clients to achieve more in the recycling business.

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