How to Select a Right Industrial Shredder | Beginner’s Guide 2020


Type of Material to be Processed

This is the very first question to ask yourself: what are you processing? For example, mixed plastics are usually handled by a shredder. Pure Plastic rejects (from thermoforming or injection molding) are most often processed in a granulator/crusher. Nevertheless, a voluminous plastic, paper, wood, metal objects often go through a shredder first then granulating, aka, secondary size reduction. Rocks, glass and die-cast metal usually go into hammer mill or jaw crusher.


Desired Output Size

Output size is usually determined by the screen or rotor width of shredders. Taking output size into account would land you in the specific category of shredders. Shredder generally produces irregular particles around 40mm (palm size), or stripes around 40-60mm long. Bigger the screen opening, the bigger the output size.

Also, the output size affects the capacity of a shredder and succeeding workflow, which would be mentioned in the next section.



Capacity is typically expressed in kilograms per hour. Or the processed amount per hour from feeding to final output. The capacity may be limited by the screen opening and effective working area (shredding chamber size). Usually, Wiscon would provide clients a list of capacity based on a 40mm screen. A bigger shredder can always produce a bigger amount of materials, but an over-sizing shredder results in excessive power use and taking up too much floor space.

How to Select a Right Industrial Shredder 

Way of Feeding Material to Machine

There are two basic feed types: manual and automatic. Manually fed shredders usually have a hopper and work by either hand-feeding the material or using a forklift to drop in the material.

Automatic belt/screw conveyors help optimize shredder performance by giving a constant and regular supply of materials to the shredder. Wiscon conveyor works with shredder depending on the workload of the shredder. In other words, once the shredder almost hits the workload limit, the conveyor slows down.



Transportability, safety, and noise are concerns when selecting a shredder. Select the proper location for the shredder because it is not simple to move a machine weighing at least 0.5 tons. An ideal location would be leveled ground with 1m free space around a shredder. Depending on the material, dust and other airborne particles can be an environmental hazard. Noise is another factor to consider as some shredders create 80dB noise. How to select the right industrial shredder? Of course, it focuses on human-orientation.



We all don’t want a shredder to be serviced a lot, because no one wants downtime. However, a shredder is a delicate piece of machine that requires regular maintenance. Daily blade inspection, lubrication and changing gearbox oil are important, and they can help prevent lots of hassles. Ask your supplier, does the shredder equips the maintenance door or access for lubrication.


Some More Questions to Think about

Is the shredder appraised for the ability to meet your necessity?

Is the shredder made by a maker with long-term understanding and notoriety for client support?

Does the supplier choose the right machines, like single shaft or double shaft or four-shaft?

Can the shredder handle your material and produces consistent uniform particles you want?

Can the shredder get in touch with moisture material and water?

Does the shredder have a rotor and shredding chamber size reasonable for your materials?

Do you have the electrical support to meet its capacity necessity?

What are the upkeep necessities?

Does the supplier offer help in model selection, installation, and service?


How to Select a Right Industrial Shredder Conclusion

Many aspects of a shredder need to considered before buying one. We strongly suggest our client consult with us first. In return, we would provide a detailed business proposal and a technical drawing for your machine. Thanks for your time for reading this beginner’s guide on How to Select a Right Industrial Shredder.


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